terça-feira, 13 de março de 2007

Do estágio... Or a beautiful story in a Neverland spot!

Cá estão então as fotos do estágio efectuado no fim-de-semana passado.

Blog Impressão Traumática na versão internacional!

The house!






Yeesss! Some people run to the pool!
(yep!... Aiana de Cima Resort - Martinho's Inc.)


Speaking about pool, here's another pool of great sucess: snooker!


Going to the field - kind of an outdoor training - to find our soulmates(?) at the bambu forest?

Remember our jogging 'till Meco (5 Km)?
The first one to get there, the guy right bellow, is waiting, waiting and waiting for the others...
Well but every one got the podium!!

At home, we all had to cook our meals...
Fancy lunchs and dinners! But then... Jesus Christ!
We all had to do the awful dishes!!


Ohhh, my God! I might break a nail!!!


We'll need one potato, two potato, three potato...


Then, the dinner parties!


At the end we had to call a chimney cleaner!
(why the hell is the eyebrown man lieing down?!...)

There was a time for all of us to study (look our Joana before get injuried)...


...and a time for a few of us to love!


(aren't they sweetie, our little pigeons!=)


And finnaly, we all sang!

Here's one of the songs:

C o n c l u s i o n ?
Maximize your potential, minimize your wardrobe! :-)
(Credits: André)

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